It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave 要将一个在别人休产假期间顶替上来的人再降职是非常困难的。
Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave 你的工作会一直保留到你休完产假回来。
To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years 你必须为同一个雇主工作满两年才能享受产假。
Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay. 女工产假期间工资照发。
The U.S. is one of the only developed countries without a national paid maternity leave program. 美国是唯一一个不设国家带薪产假项目的发达国家。
The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave. 除了在产假上,这种法律在运用上对男女是平等的。
You can make the maternity leave procedure only if you get the manager's approval. 你的产假审请应当首先经过你的主管人批准,才能办手续。
My research also identified that pregnant women and women on maternity leave were being treated less favourably by lenders. 我的研究还显示,处于怀孕期和产假期的女性从银行获得的待遇更差。
According to provision of our country law, female worker abortion also can rest maternity leave. 根据我国法律规定,女职工流产也可以休产假。
If you work, make sure you know what your options are, regarding maternity leave and health insurance. 如果你在上班,确定你知道你的选择是什么,比如产假和健康保险。
When I returned from maternity leave, there was a backlog of work waiting for me. 是积压的邮件。我休产假回来上班后,有一大堆工作等着我做,可以说。
Women would have to give notice much earlier of a firm date for their return from maternity leave. 女性员工必须提前更长时间将结束产假重返工作岗位的确切日期告知公司。
Female worker bears the regulation according to state law, code to enjoy maternity leave. 女职工生育按照国家法律、法规的规定享受产假。
In recent years women employees in some units have been given six months 'paid maternity leave. 近几年,有些单位的女职工实际享有半年的带薪产假。
She is away on sick leave or on maternity leave. You really ought to take some time off. 她在休病假或休产假。的确应该休一休假。
Staff hired on a casual or seasonal basis will not be eligible for maternity leave benefits. 暂时或只雇用一个季节的员工没有资格享受产假福利。
The company may replace the employee on maternity leave while absent. 本公司在员工因休产假而离开后可替代该员工。
Answer: Female worker maternity leave 90 days, cent is antenatal holiday, postpartum holiday two parts. 答:女职工产假九十天,分为产前假、产后假两部分。
She was covering for one of my women who was on maternity leave. 她代替这里一位休产假的女人工作。
She was granted a year's maternity leave. 她得到一年的产假。
She had been granted a year's maternity leave after giving birth. 她生产后得到了一年的育婴假。
Women workers giving birth shall enjoy a maternity leave for no less than 90 days. 女职工生育享受不少于九十天的产假。
Do I take maternity leave and then come back? 我休完产假还要回来吗?
You just came back from maternity leave. 你只是休产假回来的。
I am on my maternity leave. 我在休产假。
The secretary department would like two new employees to provide cover for a staff with maternity leave. 秘书部需要两个新员工来接替一名请产假的职员的工作。
The insurance benefits cover mainly medical treatment for childbirth and monthly childbirth allowance for employees during maternity leave. 生育保险支付待遇主要包括:因生育发生的医疗费用和产假期间按月发放的生育津贴等。